Privacy Policy

Trilliumlodge is committed to ensuring your privacy is protected. This Privacy Policy sets out details of the information that we may collect from you and how we may use that information, whether through this website, over the phone or in any other form of communication. Please take your time to read this Privacy Policy carefully.

Our website may contain links to other third party websites. If you follow a link to any of those third party websites, please note that they have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies or processing of your personal information. Please check these policies before you submit any personal information to such third party websites.

1. About Us

In this Privacy Policy references to “we” or “us” or “Trilliumlodge” are to Trilliumlodge Limited.

Trilliumlodge Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.

We are the data controller of any personal information that has been provided to us. This means that we are responsible for complying with data protection laws. This Privacy Policy describes what personal information we may collect from you, why we use your personal information and more generally the practices we maintain and ways in which we use your personal information.

2. Who do we collect personal information about?

We collect and hold personal information about:

  • Individuals who currently have or are covered by a motor insurance policy with Trilliumlodge
  • Individuals who have held or were covered by a motor insurance policy with Trilliumlodge but which is now expired or terminated
  • Individuals who have who have requested or obtained a quote from Trilliumlodge but have not taken up a policy, whether the enquiry was made directly through Trilliumlodge or via a third party, such as a price comparison website
  • Individuals to whom any benefit is payable under a live policy or would have been payable to under an expired or terminated policy
  • Users of the various Trilliumlodge websites, including the Go Girl, Drive Smart and insure2drive websites
  • Third party claimants, witnesses to incidents and experts instructed in relation to claims
  • Representatives of policyholders, individuals covered by a policy or a third party.
3. When do we collect personal information?

We collect personal information:

  • When individuals apply, either online or in person, for or to renew a policy
  • When individuals are insured on a policy
  • On a claim under a policy or involving a policy
  • When we are contacted in writing, by telephone or social media channels
  • When Trilliumlodge websites or mobile phone applications are used
  • When individuals respond to a customer survey, complete a feedback form, or vote in a poll on any of the Trilliumlodge websites
  • If we are contacted in relation to a complaint
  • When we are alerted to Suspected Fraud
4. What personal information do we collect and use?

The personal information that we collect will depend on your relationship with us. We will collect different information depending on whether you are a policyholder, named driver or other covered party or beneficiary under a policy, website user, claimant, witness, expert, representative or other third party.

Please note, in certain circumstances we may request and/or receive “sensitive” or “special categories” of personal information about you. For example we may need access to health records for the purposes of providing you with a policy or processing claims, or details of any unspent criminal convictions for the purposes of preventing, detecting and investigating fraud.

If you provide personal information to us about other individuals you agree: (a) to inform the individual about the content of this Privacy Policy; and (b) to obtain any consent where we indicate that it is required for the processing of that individual’s personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please click on the relevant section below for detailed information regarding the types of personal information we are likely to collect and use about you.

Personal Information
  • Information such as your name, address, email address, contact details, date of birth, gender, relationship to the policyholder (where are you not the policyholder)
  • Identification information such as driving licence number, national insurance number and passport number
  • Information about your job including job title, employment history, education history and professional accreditations
  • Information relevant to your insurance policy. This will depend on the nature of the policy but could include details about your property and business activities, for example where your vehicle is stored
  • Information relevant to your claim or your involvement in an incident giving rise to a claim or a potential claim
  • Information relating to previous policies or claims which you may have been involved in
  • Financial information such as your bank details, payment details and information obtained as a result of our credit checks
  • Information captured during our telephone calls, including the recording of calls
  • Your marketing preferences
  • IP addresses
Sensitive Personal Information
  • Details of your current or former physical or mental health
  • Information relating to your criminal history (including offences, alleged offences and any caution, court sentence or criminal convictions)
  • Details of your race and/or ethnicity
  • Your political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade-union membership
  • Data concerning your sex life and/or sexual orientation
5. How do we collect your personal information?

We collect personal information from a number of different sources including:

  • Directly from you or from someone else on your behalf by telephone, email or via our website
  • From other third parties involved in your insurance policy or claim such as your broker or another insurer, claimants, defendants or witnesses
  • From other third parties who provide a service in relation to your insurance policy or claim such as loss adjusters, claims handlers, experts (including medical experts), healthcare providers and other service providers
  • From medical reports and counsel’s opinions
  • From emergency assistance and medical services providers
  • From claims service providers
  • Via publicly available sources such as internet search engines and social media sites
  • From data contributors such as price comparison websites, software houses and intermediaries
  • From other companies within the Trilliumlodge Group
  • From credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies
  • Via insurance industry fraud prevention and detection databases and sanctions screening tools
  • Via call recordings
  • From third parties who we buy marketing lists from
  • Via our website (including through the use of cookies and web analytics tags)
  • From government agencies such as the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Authority (DVLA) or Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and from professional regulators
  • From Local authorities
  • From brokers and insurance intermediaries
  • From other insurers
  • From CCTV providers
6. What are the purposes for which your personal information is used?

We may process your information for a number of different purposes and under data protection laws we need a reason for doing so. We have set out below the reasons why we process your information and the applicable circumstances when we will process your personal information.

Our provision and administering of your insurance contract

We may use your personal information for this purpose when:

  • Providing a quote
  • Administering and providing your motor insurance policy
  • Setting you up as a policyholder
  • Providing all related services such as assessing your application and no-claims discount entitlement
  • Managing your insurance policy
  • Handling, paying or repudiating claims
  • Communicating with you and resolving any complaints that you may have
  • Prevention and detection of fraud
We also process the information for our own legitimate business purposes

We may use your personal information for this purpose when:

  • Maintaining our business records including internal reporting, maintaining accounting records, analysist financial results, internal or external audits, or dealing with the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency
  • Receiving professional advice
  • Developing and improving our products and services
  • Providing improved quality, training and security (for example with respect to recorded or monitored phone calls to our contact numbers)
  • Investigating or detecting the unauthorised use of our systems and securing our system and ensuring the effective operation of our systems
  • Necessary for the purposes of reinsuring
  • Communicating with policyholders
  • Managing our infrastructure and business operations
  • Monitoring usage of Trilliumlodge websites
  • Tracing or recovering debt
Sometimes we have a legal or regulatory obligation to use your personal information

We may use your personal information for this purpose when:

  • Our regulators, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), wish us to maintain certain records of any dealings with you
  • To enable us to assist you with the renewals process, including sending you a reminder and renewal invitation before your renewal date, which will explain how you can renew your insurance contract with us
Occasionally we need to use your information to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights

We may use your personal information for this purpose when:

  • We are faced with any legal claims
  • We want to pursue any legal claims ourselves
Sometimes we need to use your personal information for reasons of substantial public interest

We may use your personal information and your sensitive, criminal convictions or special categories of personal data for this purpose when:

  • Investigating fraudulent claims
  • Carrying out fraud, credit and anti-money laundering checks
Special category and criminal conviction data

Data Protection Legislation allows for the processing of special category and criminal conviction data for an insurance purpose, this includes:

  • The processing of such data for advising on , arranging, underwriting or administering of an insurance contract
  • Administering a claim under an insurance contract

We may use your personal information for this purpose when:

  • Promoting our services
  • Providing marketing information to you (including information about other products and services)
  • Facilitating surveys and market research
  • Selling add-on products on behalf of selected third parties
  • We need to process your sensitive or special categories of personal data e.g. information about your health or criminal convictions

We are committed to only sending you marketing communications that you have clearly expressed an interest in receiving. If you wish to unsubscribe from marketing emails sent by us, you may do so at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link that appears in all emails.